I'm in the poker room waiting for a seat. Someone at a table jumps up, claps and thrusts his fist in the air. I never celebrate like this at the table. I think its because I know that at poker, unlike economics, is a sum zero game. For one person to win, someone had to lose. The loser is already unhappy about his loss, and I do not wish to rub salt in the wound(s).
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Talkative Irishman
There's a talkative Irishman (i assume) at the table who's completely decked out in Celtics FC attire. Green watch, green reading glasses, green sunglasses hanging from his green striped shirt, and a green ball cap to boot. He's got the Celtics shamrock logo all over and I can't understand a word he says....its one of those uber thick accents....I really wanna jokingly ask him if he likes Football, but I'm worried that he'll start engaging me and I don't want any part of that.
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Bad Questions
I'm kind of a fan of the bad question; the other day, a masseuse was called over to my poker table whereupon meeting her female client, she asked, "So, you just playin' some poker?"
And today, the guy two seats to my right, after playing for 20 minutes or more, looks up from his tablet and asks, "What game is this?" Yes, these are my opponents.
Friday, June 7, 2013
Struck me as a little ironic. I guess I just don't generally think of the tattooed as being all that wise, but I suppose there's no real reason to think this. To each his own.
It did make me think how weird it would be to see someone with a tattoo that says, "I hate tattoos" or "Tattoos suck"....which reminds me of a guy that used to drive around my hometown in a truck that had "Stop Vandalism" erratically spray-painted on the tailgate. Pretty funny...or at least it was when I was young.